Subject: AppleWorks 3.5 Label Author: Marty Knight Uploaded By: AFL Marty Date: 7/10/1992 File: LABEL.3.5.DISK (593 bytes) Estimated Download Time (60658 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 130 Equipment: Apple II Needs: AppleWorks 3.0 Keywords: disk template TYPE: AppleWorks database OS: ProDOS LIBRARY: APR/AppleWorks Classic/Database ----------------- KEYWORDS: disk template This is just a little label template I made up. It works very well with pinfeed 3.5 inch disk labels. The text at the bottom of the label will print at 34 characters per inch if you use an ImageWriter II and have set the printer codes for half-height. If you use another printer, you may or may not be able to print that small. ------------------------------------------------------------- Apple II Productivity Forum Libraries. Go Keyword: APR